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You can find my CV here (Current as of 11/4/2023).

Hello, my name is James Oswald! I am PhD student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and graduate researcher with the The Rensselaer Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (RAIR) Laboratory, under Professor Selmer Bringsjord. My primary research interest is in Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), that is, how we can best create single AI agents that performs well on general tasks. The rest of my research interests such as machine learning, modal logic, and cognitive architectures all stem from my interest in AGI design.

Before I was a PhD student at RPI, I was an undergraduate computer science and mathematics dual major at The State University of New York at Albany (SUNY Albany), where I worked as an undergraduate researcher under Professor Petko Bogdanov in the Data Mining and Management Laboratory doing machine learning research. I also served as the chair of the SUNY Albany IEEE Student chapter, which I still actively participate in as an alumni advisor.

Research Interests Link to heading